Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Day

After a period of rain (that is always appreciated on the ranch) the sun shone. How it lifts my spirits. I had been wanting to wash my windows after a winter that seemed determined to keep them very clouded over with the dust and refinery residue. I pray when I take on a job like that the Lord will give me the strength to complete it. He has so graciously provided a friend that cleans houses and she is so good. Having help makes it possible to stay in my house. That the Lord knew that I would soon be needing it and the year before Squid died we bought this neat little house; just right for me! Jay is branding tomorrow and John is coming to help. Pat and Janette are coming Saturday. They asked what I wanted for Mother's Day and I told them I needed someone to pot some plants for me and help me with some yard work. Maybe they won't ask again!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rainy Days

Today is cloudy and showers are predicted for this afternoon. Having a ranch backgroud we can never be sorry about rain. But it seems that there are things that rain interfers with. Jay has pine beatles in the windbreaks that he has so carefully tended over the years. How hard to see 20 years or more be destroyed. He had planned to spray them today, will there be showers that will wash off the spray? Predicting the weather in Wyoming is an awesome task. We have a meeting with an oil man. Should he spray trees or keep our appointment with him? Lord I ask for wisdom. We really learn to put our trust in God in the ranching and farming business.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I had a nice time when Jennifer came up. We ate at the Pie Lady for lunch and Texas Roadhouse in the evening. We always watch a movie and have popcorn, that's a Grandma thing. After church Sunday we went out to the ranch for dinner. Jay gave me a good object lesson from life on the ranch. A calf had died and in order to keep the cow from drying up it was necessary to have an extra calf from a cow that had twins. He had skinned the dead calf and placed the dead calf's skin on the live twin and presented to the grieving mother. One had to die that one could be covered and be presentable even as we are covered by the righteousness of Christ and presented to God.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today Jennifer fixed me up with a blog. I'm hoping that I can write something every few days. Today we are going to go to church and then out to the ranch to have lunch with Jay's family. Jessie called yesterday and she starts her first week as Wyoming's Cherry Blossom Princess. How good to know that you can help her through this, I am praying for her. Jay and Janice are going back next weekend.